Food Security and Livelihoods (0)
In Houston, IEDA Relief places a top priority on ensuring that vulnerable populations and the communities that host them have sustainable access to appropriate, nutritious food as well as opportunities for growth and autonomy. In addition to capacity-building programs, IEDA Relief hosts job fairs to allow for refugees and immigrants to find meaningful jobs in the Houston area.
Around the world, IEDA Relief promotes and facilitates short- and long-term food security through a variety of programs. These range from the direct distribution of food aid and nutritional supplements in refugee camps, to mobilizing and training communities to make efficient use of available environmental resources to achieve optimal outcomes in agricultural production, livestock management, and other food-related activities. In addition, IEDA Relief conducts capacity-building programs that train and equip individuals to carry out income-generating activities, boosting their purchasing power and helping to mitigate the risk of food insecurity.